Foreign and Military Affairs

NPC vice chairman visits Latvia to boost ties

Updated: 2011-05-21 10:32
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RIGA - Visiting Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China Han Qide and Latvian President Valdis Zatlers, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis expressed their hope for further enhancing cooperation between the two countries in various fields.  

During their meetings, Han said that relations between China and Latvia have developed smoothly since the two countries established diplomatic ties 20 years ago. Especially in recent years, high level officials from both countries exchanged visits frequently. The two legislatures maintained good communication and cooperation, he said, adding that bilateral cooperation in the field of trade and economy, culture, education, health, transportation are growing more and more closer and are making new achievements.

Han emphasized that China attaches great importance to the development of friendly cooperation relations with Latvia and China deems Latvia an important partner in the Baltic Sea region.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Latvia, which provides a new opportunity for the two countries to push forward bilateral relations, he said.

Han said that China is ready to work with Latvia, and further enhance political mutual trust, expand practical cooperation in various fields, and advance bilateral relations to a new stage, based on the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

President Zatlers and other Latvian leaders made positive comments on the good development of bilateral ties, noting that Latvia attaches great importance to developing ties with China and will continue to adhere to the one-China policy.

Taking the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties, they said Latvia is ready to further enhance cooperation with China in the fields of investment, transportation and health for mutual benefit, to increase culture and education exchanges, so as to open up a new chapter in the development of bilateral relations.

Latavian Parliament Speaker Solvita Aboltina and other parliament leaders said that parliamentary exchanges play a unique role in the development of bilateral relations. Latvian parliament is ready to continue to work for the enhancing of exchanges and cooperation with Chinese NPC, making new contributions for the promoting of Latvia and China friendship.

At the invitation of Latvian parliament, Han arrived here on Thursday with his NPC delegation for a friendly visit.
