
Highlights of Chinese premier's tour in Japan

Updated: 2010-06-01 10:37
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Highlights of Chinese premier's tour in Japan

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (L) joins a group of well-known figures in Chinese and Japanese cultural circles to discuss ways to further boost ties between the two countries, May 31,2010. [Xinhua]

Full coverage: Premier Wen's Four-Nation Tour

Cultural exchanges to be boosted

Premier Wen Jiabao on Monday joined a group of well-known figures in Chinese and Japanese cultural circles to discuss ways to further boost between the two countries.

Culture serves as a bridge to link the hearts of different peoples and different countries, Wen said.

He noted that China and Japan share a history of friendly exchanges of 2,000 years, and have formed inseparable cultural ties, which constitute  unique wealth in their bilateral relations.

The Chinese premier said that cultural exchanges have played a crucial role in normalizing and further developing China-Japan relations, adding that cultural exchanges between the two countries are noted for their extensive scope and rich substance.

"One of the objectives of my Japan trip is to boost cultural exchanges between the two countries and enhance friendship between the two peoples," Wen said.

Premier Wen arrived here on Sunday for a three-day official visit. Japan is the second leg of his four-nation Asian tour, which has taken him to South Korea. He will also visit Mongolia and Myanmar.