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Quotable quotes from premier's tour to South Korea, Japan

Updated: 2010-05-31 07:00
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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao wrapped up his visit to South Korea on Sunday and is in Japan to continue his four-nation Asia tour.

The following are some quotable quotes selected from Wen's last day in South Korea and the first day in Japan:

-- "The pressing task for the moment is to properly handle the serious impact caused by the Cheonan (the South Korean warship) incident, gradually defuse tensions over it, and avoid possible conflicts"

-- "We must spare no effort to promote peace and stability in Northeast Asia. Short of this precondition, development will be out of the question, and the hard-won achievements will be lost again"

-- "China will continue to enhance communication with relevant parties (over the Cheonan incident) in order to steer the situation toward a direction which is conducive to peace and stability in Northeast Asia. This is in our best common and long-term interests"

-- "As the region is facing many new challenges, China, Japan and South Korea should strengthen coordination between them, appropriately deal with sensitive issues and increase mutual political trust"

-- "Although there are still some problems and conflicts between the two countries, and some misunderstanding between the two peoples, I am confident the China-Japan friendship is rooted among the two peoples and we must inherit and push forward the friendship"

-- "China and Japan need to jointly promote cooperation in various fields to overcome difficulties and seek common development"