Visitors Service
As private cars and personal transportation vehicles, including bicycles and motorcycles, will be banned from the Expo Garden area for security concerns, public transportation will serve the majority of the 70 million visitors
The weather will be "good" for the Shanghai World Expo opening ceremonies, an official with the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau said Tuesday.
The big opening day is nearly here, and forecasters are predicting that Shanghai may have cloudy weather with a chance of rain during the Expo 2010 opening ceremony and on the first day of operation.
Those who want to avoid big crowds and queues of two to three hours to enter a single pavilion can visit the Puxi section of the Shanghai World Expo site.
All Expo 2010 Shanghai tickets for May 1 have been sold out, organizers said. Tickets for May 1 fall under Peak Day admission.
The Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination reminds visitors that May 1-3 are designated days. Only visitors with a ticket valid for one or more of these three days can enter the Expo Garden. Those with standard day tickets will be denied entry.
Green Channel Rescue Alliance was established before the 2008 Olympic Games.
The sole official Expo hotline at +86-21-962010 launched a multilingual service yesterday, covering 12 languages including English, French and Japanese.
For visitors' convenience to the Expo Site, Shanghai is constructing a comprehensive urban transport system and an Expo public transport network which enables visitors to reach the Expo Site via rail transit, bus and water transportation.
In order to protect the legitimate interests and rights of visitors and ensure a safe and orderly visit, the organizer of Expo 2010 has formulated these Terms and Conditions.