About Population Census

Basic population and family planning data (1994-2000)

Updated: 2010-08-20 14:41
Large Medium Small

Major Figures of Population and Family Planning



Item                                           Unit        1994   1995    1996    1997    1998     1999     2000

Total Population                              10,000      119850  121121  122389  123626  124810   125909   126583

Birth Rate                                    ‰          17.70   17.12   16.98   16.57   16.03    15.23

Death Rate                                    ‰           6.49   6.57     6.56    6.51    6.50     6.46

Natural Growth Rate                           ‰           11.21  10.55    10.42   10.06   9.53     8.77

Total Number of Birth                         10,000       2104   2063     2067    2038    1991     1909


Number of Women at Childbearing Ages          100 Million  3.26   3.30     3.33    3.37    3.40      3.45    3.48

Number of Married Women at Childbearing Ages  100 Million  2.3    2.37     2.39    2.43    2.45      2.49    2.51

Percentage of Late Marriage                   %           58.5   58.9     59.36   59.31   60.12     60.12   58.99

CPR of Married women at Childbearing Ages     %           90.7   90.4     91.1    83.8

Family Planning Acceptors                     Million      20895  21412    21817   22101   22245     22559   22683

Contraceptive Methods

Vasectomy                                     %           10.9   10.6     10.2    9.2      9.6       9.2     8.9

Female Sterilization                          %           40.2   39.9     39.5     40      38.7      38.2    37.6

IUD                                           %           40.7   41.7     42.5     43.4    44.5      45.5    46.3

Implant                                       %           0.2    0.3      0.4      0.5     0.4       0.4     0.4

Pill                                          %           3.2    2.9      2.8      2.1     2.4       2.2     2.1

Condom                                        %           3.8    3.8      3.8      4.0     3.8       3.9     4.2

Spermicide                                    %           0.6    0.5      0.5      0.2     0.4       0.3     0.3

Others                                        %           0.4    0.3      0.3      0.6     0.2       0.2     0.2

最近更新日期 2002-5-14