Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Zambia vow to deepen pragmatic cooperation

Updated: 2010-10-22 20:55
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BEIJING - China and Zambia on Friday pledged to deepen their pragmatic cooperation in various fields to further bilateral ties.

China is willing to work with Zambia "to boost pragmatic cooperation and push forward more development of bilateral ties", said Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in talks with visiting Zambian Vice President George Kunda in Beijing.

Kunda is due to attend the Zambian Pavilion Day celebrations at the Shanghai Expo during his China visit.

Xi highlighted deepened cooperation on trade, agriculture, mining and infrastructure between China and Zambia, saying Zambian President Rupiah Banda's visit to China earlier this year has injected new energy into bilateral ties.

During the visit by Banda, who was on his first state visit to the country since becoming Zambian president in 2008, the two countries signed a series of cooperative documents ranging from economy to culture and agreed to lift bilateral relationship to a new high.

China and Zambia should maintain good momentum of high-level exchanges, support each other on issues concerning core interests and deepen pragmatic cooperation, said Xi.

Kunda expressed his appreciation for the sincere help China has provided for Zambia, saying that he hoped more Chinese companies would invest in his country.

Xi and Kunda also exchanged views on China-Africa relations.

Kunda also met with Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo on Thursday.