
Monks make steam bread for flood victims

By Yan Weijue (
Updated: 2010-06-28 17:18
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A team of monks in flood-hit Fuzhou, East China’s Jiangxi province have worked around-the-clock to make steam bread for victims of the disaster, Xiaoxiang Morning reported Monday.

Xue Hui, the Abbot at the local temple, organized the monks to start the free service after hearing the news of the burst Changkai Dike on the Fu River on June 21.

The monks offered the free meals to locals stranded in the flood and even used makeshift rafts and canoes to ferry the food and water.

Monks make steam bread for flood victims

Monks make steam bread in the kitchen to be given to flood victims [Photo/Xiaoxiang Morning]

Monks make steam bread for flood victims

A monk carries a pan of steam bread out of the kitchen. [Photo/Xiaoxiang Morning]