Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Denmark mark anniversary of ties

Updated: 2010-05-11 09:42
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BEIJING - Chinese President Hu Jintao and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark on Tuesday exchanged messages to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Hu said in his message that China and Denmark have a long history of friendship and exchanges. Denmark was among the first Western countries to establish formal relations with the People's Republic of China, he noted.

With joint efforts, the relationship has been on steady development and is becoming mature. Political trust has been strengthened, mutually beneficial cooperation has been fruitful, and people-to-people contacts and cultural exchanges have increased, said Hu. The two nations also have kept good coordination in international and regional affairs.

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Hu said that there are no fundamental conflict of interests between the two nations and that both sides have the will to push ahead bilateral ties and to strengthen multilateral cooperation. There is a great potential for cooperation between the two countries, since the two economies are highly complementary, said the Chinese leader.

China is ready to take the opportunity of the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic relations to further develop ties with Denmark, said Hu. China is willing to join hands with Denmark to enrich an all-round strategic partnership, expand cooperation and face global challenges together, he said.

The queen, for her part, said Denmark and China have a long history of friendship. Cooperation in politics, economics and trade, culture and education has yielded fruits, she said.

Denmark attaches importance to relations with China, and is willing to push bilateral ties to a higher level, she said.

Also on Tuesday, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao exchanged messages with his Danish counterpart, Lars Loekke Rasmussen.

Wen said the relationship between the two nations has developed well. The two countries have seen frequent high-level contacts and exchanges in various fields. In 2008, China and Denmark established an all-round strategic partnership, which serves as a guide to future development of ties.

Wen said China is willing to work with Denmark to deepen the relationship for the benefit of the two peoples.

Rasmussen said the Denmark-China relationship has made strides since it was formally established in 1950. Today, the two countries are having closer cooperation in various fields, more converging interests and more people-to-people contacts. He said he is expecting a further strengthened relationship between the two countries.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also exchanged messages with his Danish counterpart, Lene Espersen, on Tuesday.