Foreign and Military Affairs

Belarus-China ties to deepen with Chinese VP visit

Updated: 2010-03-19 09:30
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BEIJING - Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Belarus will bring fresh momentum to the development of the two countries' relations, Anatoly Tozik, Belarusian Ambassador to China, said at a press conference in Beijing Thursday.

Xi would meet with President Alexander Kukashenko and the leaders of the government and the parliament of Belarus, and the two sides would exchange opinions on issues, including the deepening cooperation in politics, trade, economy and investment, as well as mutually beneficial measures to deal with the global economic downturn, Tozik said.

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Documents on cooperation between the two countries would be signed during Xi's visit, he said.

The ambassador said Belarus and China had maintained close contact since the two countries established diplomatic ties 18 years ago.

The joint statement issued by the two countries in 2005 made clear that bilateral relations had entered a phase of all-round development and strategic cooperation, he said.

Tozik said Belarus believed China would always be a true friend and partner and that the bilateral cooperation would benefit the people of both countries.

He said the good political relationship between the two countries had laid a solid foundation for trade and economic ties, and cooperation in science, education and culture was fruitful.

About 2,000 Chinese students were studying in Belarus, and Chinese was taught in universities as well as some high schools, he said.

Xi will visit Russia, Belarus, Finland and Sweden in late March.