An Expo staff training program covering up to 200,000 people will start, according to a preparatory meeting held Saturday.
The training will cover organizing employees, service employees, volunteers and working teams of participants.
The content of the training will include Expo basic knowledge, manners and behavior rules, working safety rules and operation contingency plans.
People will receive the train through various ways such as class training, online training and trial working training. People receiving training should pass a unified test and tests involved with working positions after training courses.
Zhong Yanqun, fulltime deputy director of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive Committee, said during the conference that she hoped that the training will create a "professional, positioning-oriented" Expo team.
Hong Hao, director of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, said that the training is indispensable for the smooth operation of the Expo. Every Saturday will be a training day for Expo staff.
A preparatory meeting for Expo staff training is held. []

Zhong Yanqun, fulltime deputy director of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive Committee, delivers a speech. []