Odd News

Man sued over unpaid debt says 'never met lender'

(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-11-23 15:43

A resident of Wuhan, Hubei province, expressed utter shock and surprise when a woman he claimed never to have met sued him over a bad loan last Tuesday.

Li, a resident of Nanjing, Jiangsu province, has filed a lawsuit against Liu Xiong, demanding he repay a 47,000-yuan loan.

Li said she had an IOU, which proves she lent the money to Liu via a middleman. Li said she directly transferred the money to Liu's bank account early this year.

Liu, however, insisted he did not know Li and he never borrowed any money from her.

The city's Jiang'an district people's court is yet to reach a verdict.

(Wuhan Evening News)