CHINA> Society
Afraid of dogs, man on roof scripts real-life drama
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-10-30 09:11

Firefighters, police officers and medical personnel rushed to the spot where an unidentified man had reportedly "climbed onto the roof of a building, threatening suicide", in Dongguan, Guangdong province.

Afraid of dogs, man on roof scripts real-life drama

The city's Dalang town area was cordoned off. Hundreds of passersby gathered around to witness the drama unfold, as negotiators tried their best to persuade the man to give up the idea of suicide.

About an hour later, the man casually came down from the roof and told officers he was extremely happy in life and was not contemplating suicide at all.

The man said he climbed the roof only because a dog was chasing him, and before he knew it, everyone below started screaming and persuading him not to jump off.

(Southern Metropolis Daily)