CHINA> Taiwan, HK, Macao
Hong Kong ties remain strong despite Shenzhen mayor's firing
By Qiu Quanlin (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-06-12 08:24

NANNING: Cooperation between Hong Kong and neighboring Shenzhen will not be affected by the recent removal of Shenzhen mayor, Xu Zongheng, said a top official from the special administrative region Thursday.

Hong Kong ties remain strong despite Shenzhen mayor's firing

"Cooperation between both sides will be carried out according to the outline of the plan for the reform and development of the Pearl River Delta and the Supplement VI to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)," Stephen Lam, secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, told China Daily.

Cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen has been a high priority since the outline of the plan for the reform and development of the Pearl River Delta was approved by the government early this year.

The outline suggests the delta region, especially Shenzhen, will undergo exciting and positive changes because of its proximity to Hong Kong.

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Under the outline, Guangdong will develop 12 key projects with Hong Kong and Macao - eight of which involve Shenzhen.

"There is a long history of economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. It will not be affected by the temporary reshuffle of political leaders in Shenzhen," Lam said.

Lam was attending the annual Pan-Pearl River Delta Cooperation and Trade Forum, which concluded in the southern city of Nanning Thursday.

"Construction of several cooperation projects agreed earlier between the two sides will soon begin," Lam said.

For example, Hong Kong and Shenzhen will work closely to develop a modern service industry zone in a 10-sq-kilometer coastal area in the years ahead.

"Construction of some infrastructure projects such as the railway linking Hong Kong and Shenzhen airports will continue," Lam said.