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10m sit China's college entrance exams amid cheating, flu concerns
Updated: 2009-06-07 19:04

10m sit China's college entrance exams amid cheating, flu concerns
Middle school students go through security checks for cheating devices before attending the National College Entrance Exams in Shenyang, Liaoning province June 7, 2009. [Agencies]


However, the biggest fear for examinees and their parents is cheating.

China's media have uncovered a series of cheating scams, ranging from identity theft to the use of high-tech communications equipment.

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Advertisements on the Internet offering purported test answers or devices to help obtain answers can be easily found.

"It is the most unfair thing in the world for a student who has devoted 12 years to preparing for the exam to be beaten by those using illegal methods," said Li Xiang, a father sitting outside a test center in the eastern Jiangsu Province.

The Ministry of Public Security has urged police to be on high alert for any cheating and the Ministry of Education has reiterated its warning to examinees and their parents avoid being tricked by offers of supposed answers or advice from people claiming to know what is on the test.

"The exams must be absolutely fair," said Dai Jiagan.

"If my son fails the exam, I want him to fail fair and square," said Li Xiang. "What I can do is pray that my son is not the victim of test cheating."


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