CHINA> National
Chinese cargo ship sailor's body found off Japan
Updated: 2009-03-29 15:11

MOSCOW -- The body of a Chinese sailor from the cargo ship New Star that sank off Nakhodka in February has been found off Japan on Saturday, local media reported. 

The cargo ship "New Star" is seen near the Russian far eastern port of Nakhodka in this February 14, 2009 picture. [Agencies]

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The body of the Chinese motor mechanic was found off the village of Nashiro, Honshu Island, the Itar-Tass news agency reported, citing sources of the Vladivostok rescue center.

A Sierra Leone-flagged vessel named New Star sank off Russia's far-east port of Vladivostok on February 15 after coming under fire from Russian coast guard vessels.

Seven Chinese crew members had remained missing before the Saturday finding.

China attached great importance to the settlement of the incident, and had lodged representations to Russia. The Russian side said it would report its investigation to China as soon as possible.