CHINA> Taiwan, HK, Macao
Taiwan sees over 80,000 mainland tourists since July 2008
Updated: 2009-03-01 08:56

TAIPEI  -- More than 80,000 mainland tourists have visited Taiwan since the island allowed mainland tourists in last July, said Shao Qiwei, chairman of the mainland's Cross-strait Tourism Exchange Association, here Saturday.

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The figure is expected to go up remarkably in the future as the mainland has allowed an additional 133 travel agencies and residents of 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to organize or attend group journey across the strait, Shao said at the end of his Taiwan tour.

The two sides have reached a consensus to further regulate the market order for health and sustainable development of the cross-strait tourism, said Shao, who led a 450-plus mainland delegation to visit Taiwan.

The two sides are studying ways to encourage more mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, including allowing people to visit small islands of Taiwan and creating new products for mainland visitors, said Shao.