CHINA> National
Media, netizens hail Wen's European tour
By Zhang Xin (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-01-21 07:45

Barely hours after Premier Wen Jiabao's European tour next week was announced, hundreds of Chinese Internet users flooded the web with positive messages, saying the visit is bound to improve Sino-EU ties.

"We hope to see inspiring results from Wen's visit to Europe, both in terms of the Sino-European relations as well as economic cooperation in the wake of the global economic downturn," a netizen from Dalian, Liaoning province, said.

"Wen's visit (to Europe) will prove to be good news for both China and the world," said another netizen from Weifang, Shandong, on

Chinese Internet users supported Wen's decision to exclude France from his itinerary owing to troubled Sino-French ties following French President Nicolas Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama last year.

"I support China's firm stand toward its sovereignty. We insist that French president must rectify his mistake of meeting with the Dalai Lama. It was an attempt to interfere with China's internal affairs," a Philippines-based Chinese said on

"If Paris continues to meet the Dalai Lama and refuses to take China's internal affairs seriously, it will not be surprising if Premier Wen Jiabao never visits France. But I wish France takes active measures to improve Sino-French relationship," an anonymous post on read.

Media, too, hailed the premier's intention to visit Europe next week.

"Wen's trip to Europe on the second day of the Chinese New Year will be one that will strengthen the relationship between China and the EU, as well as bring confidence to economies of both sides," said in an article.

"China is ready to mend relations with the EU following a heated row last year over Tibet," AFP said in a report yesterday.

Wen's European trip will come after China postponed a summit in December 2008, after the French president, holding the rotating presidency of the EU at the time, insisted on meeting the Dalai Lama.

(China Daily 01/21/2009 page3)