CHINA> National
Oct 1 parade confirmed
By Cui Xiaohuo (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-01-21 07:44

The country's 14th army parade will be held on Oct 1 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

The parade, which will display all branches of the Chinese army, will also feature some new weapons acquired by the armed forces, said Cai Huailie, a senior officer from the general staff headquarters of the army, at a press conference to announce the white paper on national defense yesterday.

He said the forces on display will include the navy, which recently sent a fleet to join the global anti-piracy campaign in Somali waters, and the Second Artillery Force, which controls China's nuclear missiles.

"The parade will primarily display the weapons and arms mainly used by the contemporary army," he said, without elaborating.

Cai said the parade will be "frugal" under the impact of the economic slowdown. "It will be a warm and cost-effective one."

Analysts said the parade will also showcase the military's modernization.

Luo Yuan, a military specialist with the Academy of Military Science, told Xinhua that soldiers will be sporting their brand new 2007-series army uniforms at the parade.

The 1999 parade to mark the country's 50th anniversary, held at Tian'anmen Square in the heart of the capital, included more than 10,000 soldiers, over 400 heavy armored vehicles and tanks, as well as 132 fighter jets. Long range ground-to-ground missiles and aerial tankers also made their debut.

(China Daily 01/21/2009 page2)