CHINA> National
17 websites added to list of porn sites
Updated: 2009-01-14 14:18

BEIJING - China has named and shamed another 17 Web sites as part of a monthlong drive to stamp out online porn.

Related readings:
 China closes 91 lewd websites in 3 days
 China shuts down 41 websites containing porn
 MSN added to list of webs spreading porn
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These websites were accused of providing obscene content and of being slow to delete erotic materials after the campaign was launched on January 5 by the State Council's Information Office, Public Security and Culture ministries and four other government agencies.

The sites, including, www., were urged to immediately delete obscene or erotic information and were threatened with closure if they ignore the warning made Tuesday.

Public distribution of pornography is illegal in China. Previously, the country had blacklisted 33 Web sites, including search engine Google and Baidu and MSN China. Ninety-one other Web sites have been shut down.

China's Internet users hit 298 million in 2008, overtaking the United States as the nation with the world's largest online population, according to latest figures released by the China Internet Network Information Center.