CHINA> National
Beijing Olympics represent China's achievement of reform
Updated: 2008-12-03 23:06

TOKYO -- The success of Beijing Olympic Games embodies China's achievement in the past 30 years after reform and opening up, said Japanese foreign minister Hirofumi Nakasone in a written interview with Xinhua.

"The successful organization of Beijing Olympic Games, in which China harvested 51 gold medals and topped the medal table, I think represents the great achievement of China in the past 30 years," said Nakasone.

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The foreign minister first visited China in late 1970s, when he was working for a private petrochemical company and was involved in an equipment-export project to China. He said it was a time when China was in the fundamental stage of industrialization, and was eager to bring in advanced technology from outside.

"Now companies all over the world are rushing in to make their most advanced products in China, which are exported to every part of the world" he said, "The achievement is unimaginable at that time, I believe this is the result of Chinese government's economic policy and the hard work of the Chinese people."

China started its reform and opening-up policy in 1978, a year when Japan and China signed the peace and friendship treaty. Deng Xiaoping, vice premier at the time, visited Japan. Nakasone said the visit is a milestone in the relations between the two countries.

"The past 30 years is a time when China developed rapidly, and it was also a time when the Sino-Japanese relations get closer and closer," the foreign minister said. "Japan has always believed the development of China will benefit Japan. From this point of view, Japanese government, business people and civil organizations have conducted a lot of cooperation with China."

According to him, 40,000 trips were made between Japan and China in the year 1978, compared with 5 million last year. In 2007, the total trade volume between the two countries reached US$236.6 billion, about 50 times of that in 1978. The close exchanges of both personnel and goods have made the two countries effectively inseparable.

"China and Japan should build upon current ties to deepen mutual understanding and confidence, and expand cooperation. While achieving a more happy life for people from both countries by doing this, we can also contribute to the prosperity of the Asia- Pacific region and the whole world," he said.

Nakasone said as the economic connection tightens, the safety of Chinese food has played an important role in the food production of Japan. "So, the two countries should step up cooperation in such new fields."