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One Chinese engineer abducted by Taliban fled, the other re-arrested
Updated: 2008-10-18 10:33

ISLAMABAD -- Security Forces Friday recovered one of the two abducted Chinese engineers in northwestern Pakistan, official Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reported.

The APP quoted Nadeem Ahmed who is in charge of Inter-Services Public Relations in Swat valley of North West Frontier Province as saying that the recovered Chinese engineer was safe and healthy.

The spokesman of Taliban in Swat Muslim Khan also confirmed that one Chinese engineer had fled and the second was re-arrested, according to the News Network International (NNI) news agency.

Related readings:
 Pakistan urged to rescue missing Chinese engineers
 Search for missing Chinese begins

The freed engineer was flown to Islamabad by a military helicopter hours after he was rescued, according to NNI.

The NNI also quoted Muslim Khan as saying that the second engineer was injured when Taliban guards opened fire to foil his attempt to flee.

Taliban had demanded ransom and the release of their over 100 jailed colleagues for the release of the Chinese engineers, Muslim Khan said.

Two Chinese engineers working with Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Company (ZTE) in Pakistan, went missing on August 29, together with their Pakistani driver and security guard.

They were on their way home after finishing their work in Lower Dir and the company lost contact of them.

The Taliban in Swat valley later claimed responsibility for the abduction.