Gasparovic: Beijing Olympics perfectly organized
Updated: 2008-08-11 11:31

BEIJING -- Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic appreciated the organizing work of  the Beijing Olympic Games on Sunday, adding the opening ceremony succeeded in revealing China's centuries-old and brilliant culture.

Gasparovic said he had attended opening ceremonies of four Olympic Games before, and not all of them were so perfectly organized. "Beijing's opening ceremony succeeded in presenting its profound and unique culture and history to the world through performances including paper making and printing."

The Slovak president watched some competitions of the Beijing Games together with his wife, such as water polo, gymnastics, swimming and tennis, praising the venues as fashionable and multi-functional with first-class facilities.

He believed the Slovak athletes are capable for medals in kayak and shooting events.
It is Gasparovic's second China trip since he visited China 13 years ago. He said he was impressed to see Beijing's tremendous changes in city construction, landscaping as well as people's living.

He expressed confidence in a full success of the Beijing Games, expecting great achievements of both Slovak and Chinese athletes.

The two countries will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties next year. Gasparovic called on both sides to take the opportunity to further deepen bilateral ties and expand investment.

He said the frequent exchanges between the two countries' leaders helps to facilitate two-way trade, and expand exchanges in the areas of culture, education, sports and technology.