The History of Tibet - Yuan Dynasty
Updated: 2008-05-06 15:35
Jade sculpture of the fifth forefather of the Sa-skya-pa Sect vPhags-pa
Mural depicting vPhags-pa's paying homage to Kublai
vPhags-pa was the fifth forefather of the Sa-skya-pa Sect. Before Kublai, Yuan Emperor Shizu, was ready to attack Sichuan and Yunnan in 1253 A.D., he invited vPhags-pa to meet With him in an army camp. In 1260 A.D., vPhags-pa was conferred upon the title of “State Tutor” and bestowed upon a Jade seal. He became a Senior official in the Central Regime, who dealt with Buddhist affairs in a capacity of State Tutor. In 1270 A.D., he was conferred upon the title of "Imperial Tutor", for initiating the script.