The History of Tibet - Ming Dynasty
Updated: 2008-05-06 15:35
Seal of Tathagath Great Precious Prince of Dharma
Tathagath Great Precious Prince of Dharma was one of the Three Maior Princes of Dharma. In the fifth year of Yongle (1407 A.D.) , Ming Emperor Chengzu conferred the honorific title of "Tathagath Great Precious Prince of Dharma" upon Karma-pa, the fifth Rin-po-che of the Karma-bkav-brgyud-pa sect and bestowed upon him a seal. From then on, Rin-po-ches of Karma-pa Black Hat Sect of successive generations were all conferred upon the title of "Great Precious Prince of Dharma", who was higher in status than Great Vehicle Prince of Dharma and Great Compassion Prince of Dharma. It was the highest honorific title among leading figures of Tibetan Buddhism.
Records in Imperial Records of the Ming Dynasty on regulations about paying tributes every three years by dBus-gTsang monks
Asking Tibetan political and religious to pay tributes to the Court was a policy of tribute-related trade implemented by the Ming Dynasty, which showed the subordinate relation in political affairs.
Seal of Assistant Prince of Doctrine
In the eleventh year of the YOngle period (1413 A.D.), Ming Emperor Chengzu conferred the title of "Promotion Prince of Virtueā€¯ upon Rin-chen-dpal-skyin-rgyal-mtshan, a monk of the vBri-gong bKav-brgyud-pa Sect and bestowed upon him a seal. This title was succeeded by his descendents till 16th century A.D.