CRI netizens and listeners comment on Lhasa riots

Updated: 2008-04-11 08:53

Some CRI netizens and listeners across the globe have voiced their support for the Chinese government in the wake of the Lhasa riots.

Voices from Europe: Admitting to Wrong Reports Always Comes Slow

Giuseppe, a reader of CRI Web site in Italy, has been to Lhasa before. He said, "When I visited Tibet last year, I clearly felt the tranquility in locals' lives. I have been to Tibet for three times, and I could say that local people's lives have been greatly improved, and that road conditions there have been getting better, and Lhasa has been getting prettier. I'm very sorry to hear that the recent riot in Lhasa damaged the city's peace and stability, and I strongly oppose such violent riot targeting innocent civilians. I'm looking forward to going back to Tibet and seeing the tranquility and peace back there."

German reader Bernd Kolkwitz wrote in a letter to CRI German Service, "What I feel sorry is that in Germany there are also some 'two-siders'. They say they support 'one China', but what they actually do is completely contradictory. Many German media were using the Lhasa riot to instigate anti-China opinions, and were trying to use it as an excuse to boycott the upcoming Beijing Olympics."

A netizen surnamed Lee wrote in a comment on CRI German channel, "These days several media in Germany, including the N-TV, ARD, ZDF and the Der Spiegel, have been distorting the fact about the Lhasa riot. They have been lying in their reports, shamelessly! If this happened 50 years ago, their lies might pass off without notice. But in such a time today, I'm sure they will regret over what they have done. I hope more people can get to read the reports by CRI."

German listener Mirko L. wrote in a letter to CRI, "The recent riot in Lhasa has attracted wide attentions. I personally think the riot was conceived by intelligence agencies outside China. Their purpose was to agitate political disorders when China is about to host the Olympics, and attempt to force China to an isolated international position. I hope the Chinese government can control the violence soon, so as to foil the imperialists' attempt to disturb China."

In the email he wrote to CRI, German listener Helmut Matt comments that, "From the very beginning, I have been guessing that this was done by some people who tried to prevent China from hosting the Olympics. It's clear to see, from the rampant rumors about the event and the fast spread of incorrect media reports, that how fully-planned the riot was. There are people in some countries, including Germany, who support the so-called 'free Tibet', but what should a 'free Tibet' look like? Few people really know. The Lhasa riot gave us no good impressions - many people injured; some even lost their lives. Yet the fact of dying still failed to stop some bold rioters. In a report on China Central Television's overseas channel, I was astonished to see that five women were burn to death in a fire set by the rioters. In my country, few people really understand that Tibetans have obtained so many rights bestowed by the regional ethnic autonomy. I think CRI did a good job to link the '2006 Tibetan Cultural Week' feature to the Lhasa riot page. It reminds people of the beautiful things in Tibet. I believe that the Chinese government and people living in Tibet are able to defeat the separatists' plan. I also hope that the Chinese government can control the situation soon, and that people in Tibet could live like before and don't need to fear about losing their lives. And finally, I hope the media in my country could change their perspectives. I'm very obsessed that wrong reports usually come out very fast, but when it comes to admitting they have done wrong, apologies always come slow. The call out to boycott the Beijing Olympics using the Lhasa riot angers me."

Joaquin, a CRI listener in Barcelona, Spain, wrote, "The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet railway is a typical evidence for the economical development in Tibet and the improvement of locals' lives. Such developments largely stemmed from the support of the government and all Chinese people. Because of that, the attempt to separate Tibet from China is doomed to fail for lack of support."

Italian listener Giordano expressed his opposition to the Lhasa riot via telephone and fax. He says he supports the Chinese government on its handling of the riot.

A French Chinese surnamed Yu strongly opposes the March 14 violent riot in Lhasa. He says he feels distressed by the fact that many innocent people were injured or even killed in the riots. He continues that Tibet has had significant improvements in the past decades under the Chinese government, and that the attempt to politicalize the Beijing Olympics will be impossible to fulfill. He believes the Chinese government is able to handle the incident properly.

Czech listener Jindrich Tomisek is an Esperanto enthusiastic. He wrote to CRI's Esperanto channel, "I'm distressed and worried that in Lhasa and some other places there are a small number of people with ulterior motives plotting such riots. I sincerely wish the Lhasa riot would not have any impact on the Beijing Olympic torch relay. I sincerely wish good luck to the Beijing Olympics."

Monacan listener Helene says in an email to CRI French Service that she thinks it's ridiculous to associate the Beijing Olympics with the riot in Lhasa. She says the Olympics are a sports event, not a political stage, and that some media are absolutely wrong to link the two together. Helene wishes great success to the Beijing Olympic Games.

Voice from South America and Central America: if the kindhearted Buddha sees the scene, he will send him to hell without hesitation.

Argentinean listener Richardo Huerta, who has been to China two times, left his comments on CRIonline's Spanish Web site on March 22, saying: "CRI's reports on the Lhasa riots are timely and resourceful. I feel outraged on Dalai clique's attempt to split Tibet from China. The reactions of the international community have proved that any riots violating the international law are doomed to fail."

Richardo said that based on the truth he witnessed during his two visits in China, the falsified reports of China's current situation spread by certain people under the pretext of the Tibet question are groundless and against the facts.

Brazilian listener Rubens Pedroso said in his letter that he has been following the riots in Lhasa on Portuguese CRIonline all the time.

He said it is unbelievable that Dalai will tolerate this violence which disrupted social order and took away innocent lives after watching the video on CRIonline, which changed his impression on the Dalai Lama. In his opinion, Chinese government's handling of the riots is timely, appropriate and correct. He hopes people whose hearts were wounded can recovery from this event as soon as possible. At the same times he hopes the Dalai Lama can realize the gravity of this event and his fault, and end the tragedy.

Colombia listener Jhone Freddy Castirllon left a message on the Internet on March 23, saying that he is sorry for the Lhasa riots and the injuries it inflicted on China.

Uruguayan listener Alberto Machodo sends an e-mail on March 18, the day on which the annual session of China's National People's Congress closed, to condemn the Lhasa riots instigated by a few splittists. He said: "As a loyal listener of CRI, I will not be confused by the lies. We will not forget that Tibet is an inalienable part of Chinese territory and what kind of life Tibetan people led before its liberation. I know that under the feudal serfdom, a few slave holders led a life of luxury and privilege at the expense of the masses of serfs' tears and blood. At that time Tibet was economically backward and culturally languished; the social hierarchy was rigid and illiteracy was common among the masses. But now, under the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities, with central government's support, Tibetan people exercise self-governing, develop animal husbandry, agriculture and tourism. Their children are able to go to universities and their religion, culture and customs were given utmost respect. During the annual sessions of the National People's Congress, I noticed that delegates from Tibet could speak out freely as other ethnic minorities did, devoting to China's development, which is unbelievable in the past. I hope Tibet is better tomorrow!"

Alberto said the Lhasa riots instigated by the Dalai clique are criminal because they caused innocent people killed, stores burnt down and smashed and even medical workers attacked. Tibet is an inalienable part of China's territory. I appreciate very much of Chinese government's efforts to suppress the riots and maintain Tibet's peace, and also comfort the Chinese people of Tibetan nationality and Han nationality injured in the riots.

Nicaraguan listener Gerardo strongly denounced the crimes committed by Dalai Lama in an e-mail on March 27, saying:" if the kindhearted Buddha sees the scene, he will send him to hell without hesitation, for his action is completely contrary to the principles of "love and peaceful". The March 14 Lhasa riots attempt to change Tibet into a state of the U.S. It is a pity that reports of the event get twisted and falsified in my country. In the world, there are always people who do not devote to national development, but try to destroy social order and the country's fame. They intend to make use of the event to boycott Beijing 2008 Olympic Games."

Brazilian listener Ricardo Santos said: "I'm deeply sorry for the Lhasa riots happened on March 14. In my opinion, Dalai Lama, like a politician and terrorist, is trying to get what he wants by extreme means. In the riots, many innocent people lost their lives, public order is destroyed, having disastrous effect on society. All these show that Dalai Lama's attempt to confront the Chinese government and push for Tibet independence. However, I'm sure that the riots will be overcome and the Chinese government will handle the event in proper way, to make sure the holding of the Olympic Games held in August without a hitch."

Brazilian listener Eduardo Caetano said: "The riots in Lhasa happened on March 14 show Dalai Lama's attempt to split China. I support Chinese government's practice and ground. From ancient times, Tibet is one part of China's territory, and it's undeniable and unchangeable."

Voices from Asia: Hope to enjoy a happy Olympics, rather than suffering a vile riot

Anand Mohan, a netizen from northern India, called the CRI online, saying that he was shocked by the riot in Tibet. "I knew that people in Tibet have received great benefit from the reform and opening-up policy, and their livelihood has immensely improved, especially since the launch of Qinghai-Tibet railways which facilitates the goods and personnel exchanges, and transports lots of travelers to the beautiful and mysterious region. Tibet neighbors India, and thus the peace and stability in the region concerns the peace and development in India. I condemned the violence that disregards the peace in Tibet and hope such incident won't happen again.

CRI online also sees many comments from netizens in Nepal, although the Internet development is not booming in the country. They said they felt outraged on the riot manipulated by Dalai clique in Tibet when the region sees prosperity day by day, and expressed their firm support to the "One China" policy.

Turkish netizen Musa Ozal said he knew the truth by visiting CRI web site. "I feel sorry to see the years of peace in Tibet is disturbed by the violence conducted by law-disobedient people, and I support the measures by Chinese central government. The incident in Tibet is not a haphazard, but carefully planned. Beijing Olympic Games is a long-waited sports extravaganza for me and acquaintances around me. All of us hope to enjoy a happy Olympics in front of TV screen, rather than the disgraceful violence.

Some Iranian netizens called or emailed the Persian Service of CRI, expressing the concern to the riot where saboteurs beat, smashed, looted and burned in Tibet, and supporting the measures adopted by Chinese central government to deal with violence.

Afghan netizen Saed Rahman said in an email to CRI that he cannot understand why some people associate Beijing Olympics with Tibet Issue. "I trust that Beijing is well capable of holding the Olympics. I am expecting the Games, and will surly watch it.

Listener Lafwra Manduster called the Pushtu Service to comment on the riot, and encouraged the staff to work hard. "I have comprehensive perception towards the incident. I want to say it is undeniable that Tibet is a part of China. Please continue to work hard and I will always attend to your work.

Voices from Africa: Hope Beijing to host a great Olympics so as to humiliate our common enemy.

Moroccan listener Idris Buwadina said in an email to CRI that China is a country with a long history. The Olympics means much to China with the globe attention focusing on Beijing. We expect all goes well with the Beijing Olympics. Olympic Games is a sport event for the entire world, and any attempt to sabotage the Games is against the wishes of the world and those who love China. I am glad to see that Lhasa has reverted to calm from the riot by the efforts of local and central governments."

Idris added Morocco is a religious country and their belief is sacred. He said the harmony of a society, stability of a country and the peace of the world need the concerted efforts of all of us.

Algerian listener Ben Amir Aid said in a letter that it is sorrowful to see the violence in Tibet. It is resulted from instigation by splittists overseas. "They attempted to defame China through this incident especially with the approach of Beijing Olympics Games. China and actually any other countries have the rights to adopt the measures that they believe are appropriate to deal with any riots and violence which threaten their national security. It is China's interior affairs and other countries have no rights to interfere.

Nigerian listener Sallasu wrote an email to the Hausa Service. "Recently I browse your newly-launched columns everyday. I knew the truth from your reports. I want to say the Tibet Issue is China's interior affair, and I support the Chinese government's stance and measures it adopted to deal with the incidence. I also oppose some western countries and media in western countries to make use of the Tibet Issue to intervene in China's interior affairs, and link Tibet Issue with Beijing Olympic Games.

Tanzanian listener Fadhili Kipene wrote to the Swahili Service of CRI. "I knew that recently a handful of people conducted sabotage activities in Tibet which threaten the locals' the property and lives. These evil activities were doomed to fail. I believed the riot was hatched by exiled Dalai clique, and meanwhile supported and connived by a minority in some western countries. In January 2007, I read an article carried by a magazine affiliated to Voice of America, which devoted a long page to discuss the Tibet Issue. The article said they supported the anti-government forces to resist the governance by Chinese central government, and supported them to spit Tibet from Chinese territory to establish an illegal regime. I believe a few people in western countries connive at the limited number of people in Tibet to conduct the destructive activities in the run up to the Beijing Olympic Games in a bid to denigrate the great economic achievement in China since the implement of reform and opening-up policy."

Tanzanian listener Mchana J Mchana in an email conveyed his regards to the people who lost their relatives or properties during the riot in Lhasa. "I feel sad at the news because it was a loss of human being. The western media spared no effort in instigating the incident, which demonstrated they were directly involved in the incident. "I believe Dalai Lama machinated the Lhasa incident, and some people in Tibet took money from the clique and become the tool of them to execute violence since Dalai clique exiled from China. Money lured them to do anything even betraying their parents. Chinese leaders and people must consolidate together to put the situation in Tibet under control because there indeed are a handful of people who do not want China to hold Olympic Games with stable harmonious atmosphere. I hope Chinese people do not feel dejected and continue to actively make preparation for the Olympic Games and thus put our common enemy to shame.

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