Envoy praises Chinese peacekeepers in Darfur

Updated: 2008-02-27 09:51

Brigadier General Federick Eze, sector commander of the UN-AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), told Liu that the Chinese peacekeepers were "capable, hard-working and very dedicated, and I am confident of their performance."

Eze told Xinhua that the Chinese peacekeepers are "highly committed" and "very serious about their job". "They are true ambassadors for China because they are doing absolutely well ... If I have to give a mark, I think I would give them 95," he said.

They were able to set up such a good camp within just one month, which was really a surprise and a miracle, just as Adada put it, Eze said.

Eze dismissed reports that certain rebel groups in Darfur threatened to attack Chinese peacekeepers, saying "It is not new. It is not aimed at the Chinese peacekeepers. It is against the UNAMID. We have received dozens of such threats."

The commander said the hybrid peacekeeping forces will strengthen their self-defense and they would not be affected by such threats.

Liu arrived in Khartoum on Sunday for a four-day visit in Sudan, which is his fourth tour in the country since his appointment last May as the Chinese government's special envoy for Darfur.

Liu, a 62-year-old veteran diplomat and former Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe and South Africa, has been engaged in African affairs for more than 25 years.

He has paid three visits to Sudan and also shuttled between the United States, Britain, Egypt and other countries concerned, making unremitting efforts in resolving the Darfur issue.

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