Japanese prime minister starts China visit

Updated: 2007-12-27 17:29

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda arrived in Beijing Thursday afternoon for an official visit to China from December 27 to 30.

On Friday, Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Wu Bangguo will meet with him, and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will hold talks with him, a key part of his four-day visit, which has been widely portrayed as a trip to warm up ties.

Before heading to China, Fukuda said in his Tokyo office that he was "glad" to visit China and would discuss with Chinese leaders the building of strategic and mutually beneficial relations.

"I expect to further promote the development trend of Japan-China ties so that next year the bilateral ties can develop even faster and be moved into a new stage," he said.

A report by the Kyodo News said Fukuda would also touch the topics of resources development in the East China Sea and possible cooperation in environmental issues.

Japan has proposed to set up a Japan-China fund aimed at helping China's efforts to tackle environmental problems.

During his stay, Fukuda will also deliver a speech at the prestigious Peking University, visit a primary school in Beijing, and visit Tianjin, a city neighboring Beijing, and Qufu of Shandong Province, the hometown of Confucius.

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