Premier Wen calls his visit to Japan a 'success'

Updated: 2007-04-13 16:10

KYOTO - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao sought to wrap up his bridge-building visit to Japan on a high note on Friday, saying that he felt it had been a success.

Describing his discussions earlier in the week with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as "friendly, frank and practical," Wen said: "This visit can be said to have been a success."

"We reached broad consensus, especially on building a strategic mutually beneficial relationship, and clarified its meaning and responsibilities," Wen said.

Wen's visit to the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto capped a three-day trip to Japan during which Wen -- the first Chinese leader to travel to the country since 2000 -- gave a milestone speech to Japan's parliament, talking of friendship but warning not to forget the wartime history that has long plagued ties.

Wen added that he had met a cross-section of Japanese society, all expressing a wish for better relations.

"I feel that the Chinese and Japanese people are the same," he said. "Both love peace and are striving to develop Chinese-Japanese relations."

Earlier on Friday, though, Wen told reporters more time was needed for the two wary neighbours -- at odds over energy, territory and regional influence -- to resolve all their differences.

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