China, Africa adopt key partnership

By Sun Shangwu (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-11-06 06:27

Highlights of Beijing Declaration

China and Africa will establish a strategic partnership featuring "political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win co-operation and cultural exchanges."

Both sides call for enhancing South-South co-operation and North-South dialogue to promote balanced, co-ordinated and sustainable development of the global economy.

They agree that the United Nations should give priority to increasing the representation and full participation of African countries in the UN Security Council and other UN agencies.

China reaffirms its support for African countries in their efforts to strengthen themselves through unity and independently resolve African problems.

Developed nations are urged to provide more financial and technical assistance to strengthen Africa's ability to fight poverty, reduce and prevent disasters and control desertification, and help Africa realize the UN Millennium Development Goals.

The African countries attending the summit reiterate that they are firmly committed to the one-China policy.

China and African countries will take a series of measures, including increasing high-level visits and personnel exchanges, improving international co-operation and promoting cultural exchanges.

The leaders also agree to deepen and broaden mutually beneficial co-operation, encourage and promote two-way trade and investment and explore new modes of co-operation.

The leaders promise to properly handle issues and challenges that may arise in the course of co-operation through friendly consultation.

Plan outlines aims for collaboration

The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation closed yesterday with the adoption of an action plan. The plan defined the tasks and goals in the four major areas of collaboration between China and African countries for the 2007-09 period.

Below are some of the highlights of the action plan:

Political relations

Chinese and African leaders agreed to continue high-level visits and set up a mechanism of regular political dialogue between foreign ministers to promote political co-operation.

The two sides will enhance traditional friendship and mutual trust, conduct regular exchange of views and close co-ordination and co-operation on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues. The will share experience on governance to pursue common development and progress.

The two sides resolved to strengthen and give full play to existing mechanisms between China and Africa, such as bilateral commissions, foreign


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