Hu Jintao visits African countries

Updated: 2006-10-27 14:46

BEIJING - On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Arabic and African nations, President Hu Jintao paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Nigeria and Kenya from April 22 following his visit to the United States. Hu was warmly received by the visited countries in West Asia, North Africa, West Africa and East Africa and their people in a way unique to their nation.

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) and his Kenyan counterpart Mwai Kibaki address the press after their meeting in Nairobi, capital of Kenya, April 28, 2006. Hu arrived in Nairobi April 27 for a three-day state visit to Kenya. [Xinhua]

Hu exchanged in-depth views with the leaders of the four nations on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common interest, delivered important speeches on developing relations with Arabic and African nations under the new circumstances, and exchanged ideas with entrepreneurs, students, members of the public and people from all walks of life. During his visit, 28 bilateral cooperation agreements covering politics, security, economy and trade, energy, health, culture and tourism were signed.

The four nations are highly influential developing nations in their respective region. China's relations with these countries serve as a snapshot of China's relations with the vast number of developing nations. The media generally believed President Hu's current visit is extremely important and is of great significance to promoting China's relations with other countries.

Just before Hu wrapped up his visit and returned to China, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing gave an overview of this visit to visiting journalists.

Li Zhaoxing said a huge number of achievements have been scored in the relations between China and Arabic and African nations during the past 50 years. The Chinese people have forged deep friendship with their Arabic and African counterparts. Currently, the international situation and the various countries have undergone significant and profound changes. How to develop bilateral relations remains a problem of common interest.

President Hu explicitly put forward the proposal of comprehensively pushing forward the friendly cooperative relations with Arabic countries and the new strategic partnership with African nations featured by mutual trust in political terms, mutual benefits in economic terms and mutual help in international affairs, indicating China and the four nations are all developing nations and share common interests in safeguarding world peace, promoting common prosperity and improving peoples well beings.

The two sides should enhance exchanges and consultations, increase mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation and better coordination on international and regional issues so as to become good brothers that support each other politically, good partners that conduct mutually beneficial cooperation with each other and good friends that coordinate with each other in international affairs.

The leaders of the four nations agreed upon Preisdent Hu's forward-looking proposal. King Abdullah said the people of Saudi Arabia have deep friendship for their Chinese counterpart and Saudi Arabia is a sincere and reliable friend of China. King Mohammed VI said President Hu's visit injected new vitality into Morocco-China relations and hoped to expand cooperation with China. President Obasanjo said Nigeria-China relations have been transformed into strategic partnership and wished to promote bilateral strategic cooperation. President Kibaki indicated Kenya expects to develop closer and better relations with China.

Li Zhaoxing said both China and the four countries are facing with the important task of developing their national economy and improving their people's livelihood. China's fast economic growth and the four nations' demand for a stable export market and external investments create new opportunities for bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation.

The entrepreneurs hold high expectations on bilateral economic and trade cooperation. During President Hu's visit, a large number of representatives from the business community in China went to the capital cities of the countries to engage with their foreign counterparts in a bid to take the opportunity to expand business opportunities.

President Hu pointed out that China will launch pragmatic cooperation with the four countries based on advantageous complementarities and mutual benefits. He initiated a number of important initiatives, including expanding bilateral cooperation from trade exchanges to trade, investment, technology, project contracting and other areas, from between governments to between governments, businesses and other economic entities, enhancing capacity building, human resources training and scientific and technological exchanges, actively developing the processing of raw products to increase added value and the optimization and upgrade of traditional manufacturing industry, and focusing on local social development and livelihood improvement.

President Hu's initiatives and commitments were hailed by the governments and business communities of the four nations. They expected more Chinese companies to go to their country to invest and prosper in the fields of construction, agriculture, manufacturing, energy and resources. The business community in Saudi Arabia indicated the wish to establish strategic and global economic partnership with China.

The four nations thanked China for its sincere assistance over the years to help them develop their economy. Some international media believed China's mutually beneficial cooperation with the four countries and developing nations will be more prominent in the future and China's growth will create huge opportunities for Middle East and African countries.

Li Zhaoxing said the Chinese, Arabic and African people have all created glorious history and civilization. President Hu stressed during his visit that to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the people, promoting bilateral relations, rejuvenate ancient civilizations, and contribute more to human progress in the 21st century, there should be more dialogues and exchanges between the Chinese, Arabic and African civilizations.

Hu also expounded China's ideas of peaceful development path, mutual benefit oriented opening-up strategy and the building of a harmonious world, which deepened the understanding of the four nations on China's internal and external policies.

President Hu's sincere and friendly attitude deeply impressed the people of the visited countries. The leaders of the four nations sang high praise for China's remarkable achievements in economic and social development and expressed their wish to learn from China's experience. They looked at China's development positively, regarded China's development as an opportunity, and wished to create a beautiful future hand in hand with the Chinese people.

Li indicated that against the backdrop of deepening world multi-polarization and economic globalization, the vast number of developing nations are facing with important opportunities and severe challenges in protecting and promoting their legitimate rights. Hu noted it is in the interest of all countries to enhance coordination and support between developing nations on key international issues.

China would like to work with developing nations to safeguard the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, enhance consultation and cooperation in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations, and jointly defend the legitimate rights of developing nations. President Hu elaborated China's principled stance on the Middle East, the nuclear issue of Iran, Iraq and Sudan, indicating China insists that all the actions and initiatives on the Middle East and the Gulf region respect the choices of the countries and people of the region and broad consultation with the countries in the region be necessary.

China supports African countries' efforts in seeking development through alliance and solving African problems by themselves and also supports the leading role of African Union in enhancing the solidarity and cooperation of Africa.

The four nation spoke highly of China's important position in the international arena, believing China is an important force to promote world peace and development, appreciating China's constructive role in international affairs and its just stance on many issues and hoping see a bigger role played by China in the Middle East and African affairs.

Li Zhaoxing said President Hu's visit took 12 days and his passion and devotion for work moved everyone. When meeting with Chinese in these countries, President Hu said, " It is a great honor to contribute our due part to the diplomatic cause of our country despite all the toughness.

Li Zhaoxing said great hardships yield great fruits. President Hu's visit has consolidated traditional friendship, enhanced mutual trust, and expanded mutually beneficial cooperation, which is conducive to creating a new outlook for the development of reciprocal and cooperative relations with Arabic, African and developing nations. The common destiny, shared objectives and a joint future bring Chinese, Arabic and African people together closely. Bilateral friendship and cooperation is surely to witness a better tomorrow.