Asia-Europe Business Forum calls to embrace free trade
Updated: 2006-09-10 19:45

Helsinki - The 10th Asia-Europe Business Forum, which is run concurrently with the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit, calls for embracing globalization and free trade.

"Business knows no borders; information knows no borders, neither does capital," Jorma Ollila, Nokia chairman of board of directors, told the opening of the forum here on Sunday.

He said globalization is a great opportunity under which companies can compete freely and consumers can have more choice.

He also criticized trade protectionism. "Protectionism has many faces, but is not a solution," he said.

"No one can succeed by building walls. We need bridges."

Finnish President Tarja Halonen in her key-note speech, however, took a cautious approach to globalization.

"In fact, we need fair rules for globalization. Globalization should be a resource that promote decent work, reduces poverty and unemployment and promotes growth and development," she told the forum.

She had fewer reservations over the removal of trade barriers.

"Finland has always been a supporter of gradual liberalization of world trade. We believe that free trade and competition combined with appropriate social measures can contribute to welfare."

She expressed disappointment at the suspension of the Doha round of global trade talks under the World Trade Organization (WTO).

WTO chief Pascal Lamy and Peter Mandelson, European Union trade commissioner, had to cancel their participation in the forum in order to work for the revival of the Doha round in Rio de Janeiro.