Fate of brothel site sparks debate
Updated: 2006-08-17 14:14

Historical dross or the nation's heritage? That is the question at the center of a public controversy over whether to preserve a 300-year-old brothel in central China.

The brothel, built in 1733 in the ancient town of Jinggang, Hunan Province, is teetering on the verge of collapse and the local government has been pressed to make a decision on its historic value.

Changsha Evening News has reported that the authorities have held meetings to discuss its fate and most officials support protection of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) building known as Hongtaifang.

But many locals have protested, arguing it should be demolished as it represents the worst aspects of China's former feudal system.

Xiao Yisheng, a retired teacher from the Zhongnan University in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, said the brothel was a place where women were humiliated in the old society.

Its restoration could be seen as promoting prostitution, which was illegal, said Xiao.

However, Hunan University graduate Tan Feng said the site was bound to prompt different reactions from different people. "When I entered the brothel, it reminded me that it was a place where the ancients indulged in sensual pleasures," Tan said.

Changsha resident Rao Li conceded that some historic buildings had to be sacrificed to modernize China's cities.

However, a commentary under the name "Zhifan" in the Shanghai-based Jiefang Daily said historic fact should be acknowledged and respected.

"Protection of the terracotta warriors and horses doesn't mean we look approvingly on the atrocities of Qingshihuang, who ordered the giant mausoleum for himself," the author wrote, adding protection of the brothel should not be taken as approval of prostitution.

The debate has spread to the Internet, with many websites opening special columns on the issue.

"Demolishing an ancient building will have no effect in preventing prostitution," said one correspondent on the website of Beijing Youth Daily.

Too many ancient buildings had disappeared under the bulldozers, and the ancient brothel should be repaired and protected, said another Internet user, who worked in the field of cultural heritage protection.

Chai Xiaoming, an official with the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, told Xinhua, "It's irrational to think that protection of the brothel means approval of history's injustices.

"The aim of protecting the historic relics is to make people aware of history. Many relics with negative associations are well preserved in China," Chai said.