CHINA> Railway in Tibetans Eyes
Mongolian mom to worship in Tibet by train
(China Tibet Information Center)
Updated: 2006-08-15 15:09


Mongolian mom to worship in Tibet by train

Mongolian mom (R) and her relative by marriage, photo from

Mongolian mom to worship in Tibet by train

Mongolian mom's son and daughter-in-law, photo from

Mongolian mom to worship in Tibet by train

Mom's daughter-in-law is dressing up the traditional Mongolian costume, photos from

Mongolian mom to worship in Tibet by train

The family prepares to worship in Tibet by train, photo from

August 5, a Mongolian family from Lanzhou started their journey to worship in Tibet by Qinghai-Tibet Railway. The five family members said that the operation of Qinghai-Tibet Railway reduced their journey time to enter Tibet and the carriages were comfortable. The Mongolian mom, Ben Bu Ren is 76 years old and she has been to Tibet 70 years before. Before the launch of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, this Mongolian mom intended to worship in Tibet, but it is too difficult for her to enter Tibet by bus with so long distance. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway realizes her dream for worshiping in Tibet.