
Octogenarian addicted to hats

By Guo Qiang (
Updated: 2006-08-14 13:44
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Chen Yingtao, an octogenarian from west China's Chongqing municipality will fall sick if he takes off his hat, the Chongqing Daily reported on August 14.

Octogenarian addicted to hats

"Once I take off my hat, I get headaches, dizziness and toothaches," the 81-year-old Chen says.

"I have worn out hundreds of hats since I developed a fear of taking off my hat when I was 15," Chen says, adding that he has received physical examinations at various hospitals with no results. .

"I keep my hat on except when I am taking a bath," says Chen.

Chen's two sons and three daughters are not addicted to wearing hats, according to the paper.