China's economy roars 10.9% in first 6 months ( Updated: 2006-07-18 11:00 China's brisk economy has continued its roaring
trend, with its domestic gross product jumping by 10.9 per cent in the first six
months this year, despite a string of government orchested attempts to rein in
cheap credit and excessive investment.
 NBS spokesman Zheng
Jingping. |
Thanks to an affluent supply of food and raw production materials, China
achieved a lowered rate of inflation, with the consumer product index (CPI), a
major gauge of the inflationary pressure, rising at only 1.3 per cent in the
first half year.
With the inflationry pressure not on a mounting spiral,
Chinese analysts said that it is still too early to predict an immediate
interest rate hike by the country's central bank to tighten borrowing from the
commercial banks.
Zheng Jingping, a spokesman from the National Bureau of
Statistics, said Tuesday morning at a news conference sponsored by the State
Council Information Office in Beijing, that China's GDP hit a total of US$1.15
trillion in the first half year, up 10.9 percent over the same period last year.
It grew 11.3% in the second quarter.
China can sustain such "fast and
stable growth" but must rein in a construction boom and rapid credit growth to
prevent an outbreak of inflation, Zheng said.
He announced that fixed
asset investment witnessed a lofty rise of 29.8 percent in the first six months,
picking up speed from last year and further revealing the difficulties in
reining in some heated industrial sectors like property, automobile, steel and
Although many observers overseas caution China, the world's
fastest growing major economy, may have entered a hectic phase of breakneck
development, Zheng, the government spokesman, expressed confidence that China's
economy will have a smooth sailing ahead.
"We believe the economic
growth rate at the current stage is reasonable," Zheng said at a news
He picked up three major economic indicators to support
himself: lowered inflationary pressure which saw prices actually declining;
improved situation in the previous "bottleneck" sectors like market supply of
coal, electricity, oil and transport; and reinvigorated robust economic growth
outside China.
Zheng said that China's rapid economic growth is
reasonable and basically healthy, because the worldwide economy is booming.
Major world economic organs have estimated the world's economy will rise 4.9% in
2006, growing 0.6% than a year ago.
Another factor that has contributed to China's fast growing economy is the
domestic consumption. Zheng reported that retail sales reached US$456 billion
dollars in the first six months of the year, increasing a remarkable 13.3 per
cent over the same period last year.
Masahiro Kawai, head of
the Asian Development Bank's Office of Regional Economic Integration, said
China, the biggest engine in East Asia, needs to restrain its robust growth.
"A high growth rate is good for the rest of the Asian economies, but
it's in the best interest of everybody to see China's sustained, stable growth
rates, and the current growth rates are a bit higher than sustainable," he said.
"We have not quite seen the direct impact of monetary tightening so far
... the current monetary policy tightening appears to be insufficient," Kawai
said, adding an April hike in interest rates has not tamed loan growth.
Analysts said the economy had built up such a head of steam that,
barring a dramatic policy tightening that would be out of character for China's
cautious planners, growth was unlikely to slow much in the rest of the year.