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Hu's six-point proposal on Sino-US ties

[ 2006-04-21 17:15 ]

WASHINGTON -- Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday presented a six-point proposal on promoting the all-round development of the constructive and cooperative relationship between China and the United States.

Hu made the proposals here at a dinner hosted in his honor by 12 friendly organizations in the United States. He said that advancing China-U.S. relations both serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples and contributes to peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world.

"We should view China-U.S. relations in a broad and strategic context and from the perspective of our times of ensuring mutual benefit and win-win outcomes," Hu said in a speech entitled "Promoting the All-round Constructive and Cooperative China-U.S. Relationship."


The Chinese president, who is here on a state visit to the United States, presented the following proposals on promoting Sino-U.S. ties:

-- To increase understanding, expand common ground and build long-term and stable constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations;

-- To seize opportunities, be creative, consolidate and expand the foundation for China-U.S. economic cooperation and trade;

-- To adhere to the principle, honor the commitment and properly handle the question of Taiwan in accordance with the three China-U.S. Joint Communiques;

-- To maintain close consultation, take up the challenge and strengthen communication and coordination on major international and regional issues;

-- To draw on each other's strengths and strengthen friendly exchanges between the two peoples;

-- To respect each other, treat each other as equals and view differences in a proper context and manage them properly.

President Hu said his current visit to the United States was aimed at strengthening dialogue, increasing common understanding, enhancing mutual trust, deepening cooperation and promoting the all-round growth of the constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relationship in the 21st century.

In the past 27 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-U.S. relations have steadily moved ahead despite twists and turns. "Enhancing China-U.S. friendship is the shared wish of our two peoples, and fostering mutually beneficial cooperation is a natural choice for both countries," Hu said.


"We are living in an era full of opportunities and challenges," Hu said. "The world is undergoing profound changes, so are the mode of production and way of life of mankind as well as the relationship between people, between countries and between man and nature."

Facing a world in profound change and growing challenges, Hu said, China holds that the international community should work together to promote progress in the international society.

"The will of the people in all countries should be respected. Democracy and the rule of law should be advocated in international relations. The current international system and order should be gradually reformed and improved to make it just and equitable," Hu added.

A new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation should be advanced, Hu said.

"Disputes should settled through dialogue and negotiations, and countries should make concerted efforts to safeguard world peace and security," Hu said. "The international community should make development a priority and support developing countries in speeding up their development."

The international trade and financial system should be reformed and improved to ensure that economic globalization will lead to common prosperity, said President Hu.
Hu added that the historical and cultural traditions of different countries and their particular national conditions at different stages of development should be respected.

"Dialogue between different civilizations should be strengthened to maintain diversity of the world and advance human civilization. " Hu said.


President Hu said China sticks to the path of peaceful development and is firmly committed to promoting development domestically and maintaining world peace and promoting common development internationally.

"The most pressing and immediate task facing China is to give top priority to economic development and continue to raise the living standards of its people," said President Hu.

In pursuing peaceful development, China strives to advance both the fundamental interests of its own people and the common interests of the peoples in the world, and it plays a responsible and constructive role in promoting world peace and development, said the Chinese president.

Some 900 people attended the dinner. And U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Lan Chao also addressed the banquet on behalf of President George W. Bush.

The Chinese president arrived in Washington Wednesday evening from Seattle. The United States is the first leg of Hu's current five-nation tour, which will also take him to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Nigeria and Kenya.