CHINA / Regional

More dusty conditions forecast
By Li Fangchao (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-04-18 06:02

Dusty conditions will continue to prevail in many parts of northern China today and in the coming few days, meteorologists warn.

Beijing experienced one of its dustiest days of the year when residents woke up yesterday morning to find the ground and cars covered with a layer of dust.

Yang Keming, the leading forecaster at the Central Meteorological Office, said the main reason for the dusty weather in Beijing which he described as the most serious since 2003 was sand blowing from a severe storm that originated from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia on Sunday.

He added that the huge amount of vehicle emissions and the floating dust from ubiquitous construction sites in Beijing were making matters worse.

"This is definitely one of the most serious pollution days in Beijing," he told China Daily, adding that the visibility in Haidian District fell to 400 metres.

He said that the dusty conditions in Beijing would end around noon today when a force 3-4 northwest wind would blow the sand away.

The dusty conditions brought much inconvenience to the residents.

"It was like a dust rain," said An Zengming, a door guard of Yinghua Hotel near the Fourth Ring Road in Chaoyang District.

"My clothes got dirty shortly after I began standing here from 7 am," he said ruefully while blowing off the dust on his cap.

Wang Hui, an accountant who migrated to Beijing from Dalian, a port city in Northeast China's Liaoning Province, said that inspired by her elder neighbours, she had bought three mouth muffles for her family members. "This (the dust) is definitely bad for my health," she said. "This never happens in Dalian."

Yang advised people to avoid outdoor activities or wear mouth muffles or scarves if they must walk outside.

"Small children had better stay at home during such days," he said.
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