CHINA / Background

China-Fijian bilateral relations
Updated: 2006-04-03 10:14

I. Bilateral political relations

China and Fiji established diplomatic relations on November 5, 1975. Since then, the relations between the two countries have developed smoothly. China opened its embassy in Fiji in 1976 and accredited a resident ambassador to Fiji. Starting from 1982, Fiji's ambassador to Japan has acted concurrently its ambassador to China. In 2001,Fiji opened its Embassy in China and accredited a resident ambassador to China.

The leaders of the two countries have paid visits to each other frequently. The Chinese leaders who have visited Fiji include: Hu Yaobang, the CCP General Secretary, (1985); President Yang Shangkun (in 1990 for a stopover); Premier Li Peng (1992); Qiao Shi, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, (in 1992 for a stopover); Li Ruihuan, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, (in 1995 for a stopover); Peng Chong, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, (in 1992); Tian Jiyun, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee (in 1994 for a stopover);Wang Bingqian, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, (in 1995 and 1996 for a stopover); Zhou Guangzhao, Vice Chairman of the NPC National Committee, (in 2000); Vice Premier Chen Muhua (in 1979); Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen (in 1996); Chi Haotian, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Committee,(1998)?and Wu Yi, Minister of Foreign Economic Cooperation and Trade, (in 1998).

The Fijian leaders who have visited China include: Governor-General Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau (in 1980); President Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau (in 1991), Prime Minister Sir Kamisese Mara (in 1979, 1985, 1988 and 1990), Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka (1994), Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudury (1999), Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase (2002), Speaker of the House of Representatives Apenisa Kurisangila (in 1993), Speaker Ratu Epeli Nailatikou (in 2002, when attending a conference), President of the Senate Sokanauto (in 1993), President of the Senate Josefa Iloilo (in 1996), President of the Senate Taito Waqavakatoga (in 2002 when attending a conference), Foreign Minister Filipe Bole (in 1987), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Beranado Vuninbobo (in 1997), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Suger Kaliopate Tavola (in 2001 and 2002), Minister of Youth, Employment and Sports Kaukimoci (1998), Minister of Youth , Employment and Sports Isireli Leweniqila (in 2002), Minister of Finance James Ah Koy (in 1998), Minister of Fishery and Forestry(in 2002), Minister of Finance Kubuabola (in 2002, when attending a conference), Minister of Health Smith(in 1999), Attorney General and Minister of Justice Singh (in 1999),Minister of Women and Culture Padarath (in 2000),Commander of the Fijian Armed Forces Sitiveni Rabuka (in 1990) and Commander of the Fijian Armed Forces Epeli Ganilau (in 1992) and 1997).

II. Bilateral economic and trade relations

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the bilateral trade has increased by a large margin. In 1976, the volume of the bilateral trade was only US$ 2.3 million, and all was export from China. In 2002, the total trade volume between China and Fiji was US$31.968 million, of which China's export volume was US$30.567 million and its import volume was US$1.401 million. At present, Fijiis China's second largest trade partner among the South Pacific islands (next only to Papua New Guinea).The main commodities exported from China to Fiji are textiles, light industrial products and mechanical and electrical products. And the main commodities imported by China from Fiji are raw sugar in the past and saw log and some synthetics.

III. Cultural exchanges

Since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and Fiji, several Chinese martial art and acrobatic troupes have visited Fiji to give performance. In August 2001, the Fiji Television Station began to relay the ninth program from the China Central Television. In 2002, ten Fiji students came to study in China, including two students with scholarships from the Chinese Government. 800 Chinese students studied in the Fiji branch campus of the Central Queens land University in Australia, and two Chinese language teachers taught in the Yat-sen Chinese School. In January 2003, the Fijian side held a "Chinese Week" in the Capital, and China's Tianjin Acrobatic Troupe proceeded to Fiji to give performance. In May, the project of the multi-functional gymnasium built with Chinese assistance to Fiji was completed.

IV. Major bilateral agreements

The Joint Communiqu¨¦ of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Fiji Concerning the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the Two Countries issued on November 5, 1975.

The Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Sovereign and Democratic Republic of Fiji Concerning the Retaining of Fiji's Honorary Consul in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China concluded in 1997.

The Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Sovereign and Democratic Republic of Fiji Concerning Cooperation in Civil Aviation concluded in 1997.

The Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Sovereign and Democratic Republic of Fiji concerning Trade Cooperation concluded in 1997.

The Press Communiqu¨¦ of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Fiji Islands issued in 1999.

The Agreement of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Fiji Islands Concerning the Economic and Technical Cooperation concluded in 2001.

The Joint Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Fiji Islands concerning the strengthening and promotion of the Friendly and Cooperative Relations issued in 2002.

(, Last Update: December 9, 2003)