Katy Perry wants 'small' romantic wedding

Katy Perry and Russell Brand don't want their wedding to be a "drunk fest of people".
The couple - who got engaged in December - are planning a "small" but lavish ceremony because they want the occasion to be memorable and all about their love for one another.
"We don't necessarily want it to be a drunk fest of people just, you know, one night and then forgetting about it. We want it to be about the love. So sometimes to be about the love, we have to take them out of their comfort zone."
However, the 25-year-old pop beauty and her 34-year-old fiance - who was known for his womanising ways before he settled down with Katy - will throw "a big, fat reception for the people who can't make it".
Since Russell popped the question he has grown increasingly obsessed with the wedding plans and Katy recently revealed he can't stop buying bridal magazines.
Although the curvy brunette isn't as sentimental as her future spouse, she does want her wedding dress to have a special meaning and has been discussing ideas with fashion designer John Galliano.
She added: "We have been kind of talking to John Galliano because that was the first fashion show in Paris that we kind of came out as a couple. So if we did Galliano, it would make it full circle."