Scarlett Johansson sweats on red carpet
Agencies | Updated: 2010-05-06 10:48

The 'Iron Man 2' actress admits nerves often get the better of her, no matter how much she is looking forward to making an appearance at a formal event.
She said: "I like the getting ready part. I like the hair and the make-up and the pretty dress. It's just getting on the red carpet I just instantly flop sweat.
"It's a weird chemical reaction I have somehow to the red carpet. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just the carpet itself."
The 25-year-old star - who is married to actor Ryan Reynolds - admits she suffers a similar reaction when singing live and is even considering taking drastic action to curb her excessive perspiration.
She added to US TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres: "I flop sweat then too. I probably need a shot to stop that."
Flop sweat is nervous perspiration caused by a fear of failure before an audience.
Scarlett is not the only star to confess to a problem with sweating.
Meryl Streep recently admitted she hates spending time in the kitchen because it makes her "sweaty and snappy".
She said: "I am a terrible cook. I can cook, but I fear that, as with video gaming or hardcore rap, I have no natural affinity.
"May I add that I am at perhaps my least glamorous when I am cooking, especially for other people? I am usually in a flop sweat, snapping at anyone in my line of sight."