Depp praises Keith Richards

The actor, who teams up with the guitarist in the third instalment of the series At World's End, heaped praised on the Rolling Stones hellraiser for being a professional star.
He said: "Keith did his bit like it was any other gig, he did it perfectly, it wasn't like, you know people could tell that it was his first cinematic venture, he was just perfect.
"For me what was interesting, was seeing Keith as Captain Jack for the first time, right in front of his eyes or interacting with Captain Jack."
The movie, which sees Depp's character Jack Sparrow needing his pals to rescue him from the other end of the world, is set to rival the success of Dead Man's Chest which set box office records worldwide.
Johnny also revealed that he will be sad to see one of his most famous characters disappear from the big screen.
He added: "It's hard because you are faced with the potential that this guy you have been with and I know it sounds totally absurd, you may not ever see him again.
"So there's a period of decompression which involves depression you just have to get through it."
At World's End is released in UK cinemas on May 25.