The Top 10 most searched for celebs on the internet | Updated: 2006-11-27 10:59
Being the new James Bond star never comes easy for Daniel Craig. Thanks God that the role is worth played. Presumably due to the controversy of his becoming the first "blonde Bond", the actor has been chosen the second Most Searched for Celebrity among UK web users.Web analysis firm Hitwise has proven the fact that web users have shown strong demand for information on Craig and his new film "Casino Royale." Surpassing the action hero is Faith Brown who currently appearing as a contestant on the 6th series of "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!" who is on the No. 1 spot.
The new best pals, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, both make the poll on the 3rd and 4th spots in a row. The other Most Searched for Celebs on the Internet are Belinda Emmett, Christina Aguilera, George Michael, Lil' Chris, Beyonce Knowles, and Eminem, all of whom securing the 5th to 10 spots in sequence.
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