Business / Technology

Alibaba's Tmall launches cutting-edge gadgets at TES conference

By Liu Zheng in Hangzhou ( Updated: 2016-04-12 11:35

Alibaba's Tmall launches cutting-edge gadgets at TES conference

Companion robots are displayed at the first TES conference held by Tmall on April 11, 2016 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo provided to]

According Alibaba Group research, one quarter of active buyers, who have been born since 1980, are the firm's in-depth consumers, and have contributed 80 percent of the turnover of the platforms.

"The key buyers are keen on purchasing high quality products that are not limited to domestic goods, and they are shopping globally through Alibaba's platforms," Yin added. "3C and home appliance products are the pioneers for feeding the demand of the emerging buyers."

Yin said that CES is recognized at the world's incubator of the latest technology breakthroughs in the consumer technology sector. Thanks to Alibaba's existing marketing resources and user base, he is determined to help more foreign technology brands expand to Chinese markets.

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