China International Green Industry Expo 2010 (CIGIE) opened at the Beijing Exhibition Center on Nov 24. The event, themed "Green Economy, Mutual Benefit", will run through Nov 27.
Xilin Gol has abundant land with open grassland and sandy soil, and is sparsely populated, with five people per square kilometer. It is hard not to be impressed with the spectacular sight of hundreds of wind turbines on its plains and meandering hills.
The VIVA Design Team of Guangdong University of Technology was awarded for their design, the power generating turnstile, according to ixiqi.com.
All-electric cars are the only area where Chinese automobile companies are likely to play a leading role in the global market, Chen Quanqing, president of the World Electric Vehicle Association, said on Monday.
China calls for collaboration on renewable energy
Friends of Nature launched a new low-carbon project to promote the power-save lifestyle. In this project, volunteers will interview and help urban families to measure the energy consumption at home.
Electric vehicles (EV) have frequently been launched by Chinese private automakers, state-owned-enterprises, and joint ventures.
One major hotel in Beijing has created a program that will reduce the hotel's carbon emissions while also benefiting the community.
The government has rolled out the long-awaited incentive program for fuel-efficient vehicles on a trial basis in five cities.
Angelique Songco, a dive master and director of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, the largest marine park in the Philippines, is intensely feeling the effects of global warming and combating it with a variety of measures.