Business / Economy

Central leading team coordinates reform

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-11-12 08:13

Central leading team coordinates reform

An employee of a local human resources and social security bureau explains the functions of social security cards to villagers in Haian county, Jiangsu province, on Nov 4, 2014. [Photo provided to China Daily]

The central government established a central leading team for reform late last year. The team is led by State leaders and made up of heads of ministries, commissions and departments. The team is expected to propose action plans to implement some 60 reforms in various fields prescribed in the overall reform plan made by the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in November 2013.

To some extent, the team is an important and powerful coordinator of the different ministries. The action plans passed by the team will be reviewed and approved by the State Council, China's Cabinet, to become a guideline or policy for the government system to execute.

The State Council and the central leading team for reform have issued important plans, guidelines and policies collectively since late last year as follows, mostly concerning people's livelihood and the restriction of powers. These documents are crucial to translating reform from words into deeds:

.Dec 25, 2013

State Council - Reform family planning policy

.Jan 2, 2014

State Council - Village reform and modern agriculture

.Feb 14

State Council - Delegate government powers

.Feb 17

State Council - Reform business capital registration

.Feb 24

State Council - Build national basic pension insurance net

.Feb 28

Central leading team - Reform cultural system

.Jun 6

Central leading team - Reform hukou system

Central leading team - Reform judicial system

Central leading team - Reform intellectual property rights protection system

Central leading team - Reform academician system

Central leading team - Reform fiscal and tax system

.Jun 30

CPC Central Committee - Reform Party disciplinary inspection system


State Council - Reform and the use of government cars

.Aug 18

Central leading team - Reform State-owned enterprise leaders' payments

Central leading team - Media reform and convergence

Central leading team - Reform college entrance exam and enrollment system

.Late August

CPC Central Committee - Reform Party institutional construction

.Sept 29

Central leading team - Land reform in rural areas

Central leading team - Reform science and technology research fund system

.Oct 9

State Council - Reform government budget administration system

.Oct 27

Central leading team - Promote reforms in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Central leading team - Open science and technology research equipment to society



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