Business / Companies

Making the real difference

By Cao Yin (China Daily) Updated: 2013-01-01 10:36

The youngest volunteer selected for the four-city project was 8-year-old Huang Doudou, who told China Daily that she said "yes" without hesitation when her mother asked her whether she wanted to take part.

"My mom helped me register, and I didn't think the walking was bad," she said. "I hope the children in Yiliang can be as happy as me and go to school in the new year."

Song Boyang, 30, another of the three volunteers and who previously participated in a rescue after a serious earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan province, in May 2008, said this journey is not just to do charity work, but also make her dream come true.

"I worked in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, in 2008, so I immediately joined the rescue after the earthquake. But later, because of a job change, I left the city," she said. "I really wanted to go back to see the areas I worked in again."

Song, who runs a private club, said she was deeply impressed by several university students on the way to Wuhan, adding they sent more than 20 scarves they had made themselves and wrote sweet words on cards for each one.

Kai Zhongliang, the third volunteer and the owner of a private company, echoed Song's sentiments, saying they saw many moving events and also made friends on the way - benefits that he had not had in previous charitable work.

"I used to donate food and clothes to an association, but this time my charity was face-to-face, and I saw many residents with a great passion like me, which is unforgettable and has more meaning," said the 48-year-old, who donated some medicines in November when he traveled to Africa.

Making the real difference


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