Microblog insights -- Dec 6

Updated: 2011-12-06 07:56

(China Daily)

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Microblog insights -- Dec 6

Topic 1: The National Development and Reform Commission announced on Nov 30 there would be an increase in the sales and on-grid prices of electricity. The sales price is raised by 0.03 yuan a kilowatt hour and the on-grid price is increased by 0.026 yuan on average for coal power plants. The price adjustment policy took effect on Dec 1. At the same time, the top economic planner also constrained the hike in coal prices by stipulating that in the contract signed in 2012, the price of coal will not be allowed to increase more than 5 percent above last year's levels.

MENGJIANGNAN007: I'm wondering whether the government has other measures to take except increasing electricity prices.

ZUIYUERUYAN: The central bank lowered the deposit reserve ratio while the National Development and Reform Commission increased the electricity price. Obviously these are two steps of the government's package measures of macro-control. Against the backdrop of weakening inflationary pressure and economic slowdown, the government has already kicked off its minor adjustment.

--BIELIWOTAIJIN: The fundamental reason is the lack of electricity in China this year.

Microblog insights -- Dec 6

Topic 2: Dec 1 is the 24th World AIDS Day. However, discrimination against people with AIDS or HIV carriers still exists in society because of a lack of knowledge about the syndrome. The theme of World AIDS Day 2011 is "Getting to Zero" by striving for zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

SHENQIDEXIAOHUA: Cherish yourself and be aware of the importance of preventing AIDS.

RENTUTUDAZUIBA: I went to the supermarket on World AIDS Day and was given two condoms free.

--XIAONIAN: I think giving AIDS patients a hug on purpose is also a kind of discrimination in some sense. Just treat them as ordinary people. Everyone is equal, including them.

WRADIOTONGTONG: AIDS is horrible to many people, but the more horrible thing is your inappropriate understanding of the syndrome.

All the information is from Sina Weibo.