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Thai PM urges greater co-op in agriculture, tourism
Updated: 2009-06-29 14:58

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva voiced his hope Saturday that China and Thailand would strengthen their cooperation in agriculture and tourism.

He made the remarks during a visit to south China's Guangdong province.

China is Thailand's third largest export market and the biggest buyer of mangosteen and rubber from Thailand, he said.

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After visiting a fruit market in Guangzhou, Abhisit said that the focus of cooperation between China and Thailand would be to shorten the time spent in transit and add more types of fruit to the trade list.

Abhisit also attended a tourism promotion event. He said that each year, Thailand received 800,000 to 1 million tourists from China, among whom more than 40 percent were from Guangdong.

The two countries are endeavoring to improve the quality of tourism, he said, so that Chinese tourists could enjoy better services in Thailand.

During his stay in Guangdong, Abhisit met with Wang Yang, secretary of the provincial committee of the Communist Party of China and Provincial Governor Huang Huahua.

Abhisit came to China on June 24 for an official visit at the invitation of Premier Wen Jiabao. The tour is scheduled to end Saturday.

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