Outdoor equipment market in China
By Qu Xiaozhen  (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-07-07 14:53

At the camping site, Xu recalls that they shared the experiences of outdoor sports and showed the participants how to use the equipment.

"It took a decade for people to get to know about the outdoor sports in China," Xu says. "And participants gradually began to taste the fun of outdoor life and brought more friends into this field."

"You need to hold on to your belief, with passion and endurance, which is crucial in the cause you are taking," she says.

In 2004, Runtitan sponsored the CCTV documentary "Juan Antonio Samaranch", the former President of International Olympics Committee (IOC). Xu presents Runtitan's backpack to Juan Antonio Samaranch in person.

The same year, Runtitan also supported and participated in the worldwide cultural event, "From Great Wall to Olympia", which was initiated by the IOC. The company's products were designated as the only outdoor equipment used at the Closing Ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympics Games.

This year on May 30, on behalf of Runtitan, Xu met Jacques Rogge, President of IOC at Lausanne, Switzerland, the committee's headquarter and presented Rogge with Runtitan M360 outdoor sports equipment, including golden outdoor sports shoes.

The golden shoes which will be housed in the International Olympics Center, is the mascot of the "Shanghai Runtitan Healthy Walking Cup," a public running event, set up in response to the call from the General Administration of Sport of China to raise national consciousness of healthy lifestyles. The annual run, launched in 2007 has attracted citizens from all walks of life, becoming one of the major public sports events in the city, after "Shanghai Marathon" and "Shanghai Healthy Run".

Xu says Runtitan will continue to promote the healthy run to Kunming, Yunnan province on June 28.

"We hope to carry the Olympic spirit throughout China." Xu says.

China's outdoor sports industry is still in its infancy, despite a growing number of participation over recent years, commented Zhang Faqiang, vice-chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, at a recent mass hiking event in Changchun, Jilin Province on June 21.

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