Stronger yuan gets tourists packing for HK

By Qiu Quanlin (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-11-30 08:53

Hong Kong has traditionally been a hot destination for Chinese tourists during the Christmas period. According to Lu, the price of trips to Hong Kong will be adjusted "moderately" in the coming days.

"The price of tours to Hong Kong will see a moderate reduction by about 2 per cent," said Lu.

Tour packages from Guangdong to Hong Kong currently range from between 100 yuan (US$12.7) to 2,000 yuan (US$253), Lu said.

According to Lu, ticket prices to Disneyland and Ocean Park, two of Hong Kong's most popular sites, will decrease by about 20 yuan (US$2.5) in December.

"The direct benefits for domestic tourists to Hong Kong is that they can use mainland's UnionPay cards for shopping there," Lu said.

Despite reduced ticket prices, hotels in Hong Kong may not reduce rates, Lu said.


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